Session 1: Introduction to Jupyter Notebook#
Perform the following Jupyter notebook operations:
Run notebook
Change a cell and re-run the cell
Add a new line/cell to a notebook
Download the workshop material with code cell
Unzip the downloaded zip file with code cell
Please follow the instruction at each cell.
1. Run notebook#
Please run the code cell below.
You can hit (Ctrl + Enter) to run current cell or (Shift + Enter) to run current cell and go to next cell. Alternatively, you can click run cell in the toolbar above.
message = "Hello World"
2. Change cell and re-run the notebook#
Modify the message of the print statement below to say “Hello IN-CORE” and run the current cell.
message = "Hello World"
3. Add a new line and execute it#
Add a new cell below to this notebook. On the new line, modify the message variable to print your name.
4. Download a zip file of the workshop material#
Please run the following code to download a zip file. Please make sure that it appears in your file browser (left panel)
# import requests module
import requests
# set URL and get file contents
url = ""
filename = ""
headers = {"user-agent": "Wget/1.16 (linux-gnu)"}
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, stream=True, headers=headers)
# write the contents to a file
open(filename, "wb").write(r.content)
5. Unzip the downloaded zip file#
Please run the following code to unzip the downloaded zip file. Please make sure that all the workshop materials appear in your file browser (left panel)
# import zipfile module
import zipfile
# extract the zipfile
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") as zip_ref: