pyIncore data

pyIncore data#

pyIncore-data is a utility package for preparing data for use in pyIncore. It contains advanced Python packages and methods for acquiring data from different sources and preparing it for use in IN-CORE.


  1. Acquiring data from sources such as census data.

  2. Data manipulation including handling shapefiles, dataframes, etc.


  • Virtual environment: We recommend that users work with a virtual environment manager such as Anaconda or Miniconda.


  1. To install pyIncore-data, navigate to the directory you want to use and run the following command:

    conda install -c in-core pyincore-data

    If you have trouble installing pyincore-data or it is taking a long time to resolve the dependencies, try using the libmamba solver by running the following command:

    conda install -c in-core pyincore-data --solver=libmamba

    If the installed pyincore-data version is not the latest or lower than the desired one, specify the version number in installation command.

    conda install -c in-core pyincore-data=0.5.0 (or your version of choice)

    Version information for pyincore-data can be found in


    For updating pyIncore-data, replace install with update in the above command.

  2. To check that the pyIncore-data package is installed, run the following command:

    conda list

    This will list all packages currently installed.


The Jupyter notebook below uses pyIncore-data to acquire census block group data and converts it to different formats including shapefile and other formats. The shapefile format is a geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software developed by Esri for interoperability among GIS software products.

Example: pyincore-data-example.ipynb