Tutorials and Tips#
This page contains more in-depth guides for using pyIncore and IN-CORE system in general. It is broken up into introductory and advanced sections.
You may use these tutorials as a self-paced course to learn the platform thoroughly. However, each section is fairly independent, so those already familiar with pyIncore can jump into any section.
You can also check out IN-CORE resources for other materials to help you navigate through terminology and practices, and a FAQ section in this Manual. We encourage IN-CORE users to contribute improve the knowledge base. contact us with suggestions for expanding and extending Tutorials.
More tutorials will be added soon.
Download the full Notebooks:
Create Dataset Object: create_dataset.zip
Create DFR3 Object: create_dfr3_object.zip
Create Earthquake Hazard: create_earthquake.zip
Create Tornado Hazard: create_tornado.zip
Retrofit Plan Joplin: retrofit_plan_Joplin_2021_12_01.zip
Create Network Dataset: create_network_dataset.zip
Create Local Hazard: create_local_hazard.zip