A user can run and edit Jupyter Notebooks interactively in IN-CORE Lab. You can access IN-CORE Lab at The IN-CORE Lab is a customized Jupyter Lab with pyIncore installed on the Linux server.

When you access it, you might see a button to Start My Server followed by a progress bar.

IN-CORE Lab progress bar.

Main Incore Lab’s dashboard tab:

IN-CORE Lab dashboard tab.

Running a Notebook in the Lab#

In the Running Notebook locally section we described how to run a Building Damage Notebook locally as an example, but you can develop and run all sorts of notebooks as you explore. The following section focuses on step-by-step instructions of running Notebooks on the IN-CORE Lab.

  1. Upload the Building Damage Analysis notebook from your local machine to IN-CORE lab by clicking the Upload icon in the left panel and select building_dmg.ipybn.

IN-CORE Lab upload panel.

  1. The Notebook shows up in the left panel after a successful upload.

  2. Double click to open the Notebook in the main area and run it. For instructions on how to run a Building Damage Analysis, please refer to the previous section Running Notebook locally.

Building damage Jupyter notebook cells in IN-CORE Lab.

Accessing IN-CORE Web Tools#

This section shows user how to access IN-CORE Web Tools on IN-CORE Lab. The IN-CORE Lab is a customized Jupyter Lab with INCORE Login button in the main window and two IN-CORE-related menus, INCORE apps and INCORE docs.

IN-CORE Lab with custom icon and menus.

  1. Click on INCORE Authenticator button in the main window.

  2. The Fragility, Data and Hazard Explorers under INCORE apps menu become enabled after pressing the LOGIN button

The IN-CORE Web Tools Viewers become part of INCORE Lab as shown below for the Fragility viewer.

Fragility viewer on the IN-CORE Lab.

IN-CORE documentation#

For ease of access, documentation is easily accessible from IN-CORE Lab.

The second IN-CORE menu, INCORE docs allows the user to see pyIncore documentation and API endpoints definitions for accessing Fragility, Data and Hazard server(s).

pyIncore documentation on the IN-CORE Lab.

API viewer on the IN-CORE Lab with endpoint definitions.