Session 4: Assignment explanation and answers

Session 4: Assignment explanation and answers#

View datasets and create visualization.

# Import modules
from pyincore import FragilityService, IncoreClient, FragilityCurveSet, MappingSet, Dataset

from pyincore_viz.plotutil import PlotUtil as plot
from pyincore_viz.geoutil import GeoUtil as geoviz
# Connect to IN-CORE serivce by creating IncoreClient
client = IncoreClient()
Connection successful to IN-CORE services. pyIncore version detected: 0.9.3
# Exercise 1: 
# TODO: create a local dataset for building inventory with shapefiles ("sample_bldgs_w_guid.shp") 
#       and dataset inventory IN-CORE type: "ergo:buildingInventoryVer7"
# TODO: acquire GeoDataFrame object from the dataset

# Answer: 
# There is a shape file in your local directory. Sample building inventory has 4 files defining 
# the projection, attributes and other parts of a shape file (cpg, dbf, prj, shp, shx)

# use class method Dataset.from_file with path, filename and corresponding data type.
# Dataset.from_file(path, data_type)
bldgs = Dataset.from_file("sample_bldgs_w_guid.shp", data_type="ergo:buildingInventoryVer7")

# Object bldgs is now in pyincore object type. BTW pyIncore uses Fiona package to open shapefiles. 

# Construct GeoPanda's GeoDataFrame from a pyincore type.
# getting geodataframe of building dataset 
bldgs_gdf = bldgs.get_dataframe_from_shapefile()

# show first five rows only
<class 'pyincore.dataset.Dataset'>
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
parid struct_typ year_built no_stories a_stories b_stories bsmt_type sq_foot gsq_foot occ_type ... archetype appr_land appr_tot ffe_elev g_elev lhsm_elev lon lat guid geometry
0 018060 00010 C1 1978 1 1 0 NONE 6062 6062 COM6 ... 12 None None None None None -90.02585 35.14020 ac8b0b44-ae82-4c48-afb8-076e2d16c7e5 POINT (-90.02585 35.14020)
1 018060 00010 C1 1925 4 3 1 COMMERCIAL BSMT 19468 4867 COM6 ... 12 None None None None None -90.02585 35.14020 154b0a62-cae6-456d-8d90-635e3e1c2dcb POINT (-90.02585 35.14020)
2 016001 00001C S1 1924 14 13 1 COMMERCIAL BSMT 910583 65042 COM6 ... 12 None None None None None -90.01928 35.13640 9f9b11f8-c25c-4760-b1d2-a63bbeec8e72 POINT (-90.01928 35.13640)
3 012008 00012 URM 1910 5 3 2 COMMERCIAL BSMT 65112 13022 COM6 ... 12 None None None None None -90.07377 35.12344 28321416-e473-473b-ad0a-c3c38248acc7 POINT (-90.07377 35.12344)
4 001041 00001C S1 1991 2 2 0 NONE 32094 16047 COM6 ... 12 None None None None None -90.04349 35.15360 b5069250-7a2b-47b1-9754-290528a6d72d POINT (-90.04349 35.15360)

5 rows × 34 columns

# Exercise 2: 
# TODO: create a local dataset for building damage output with CSV ("memphis_eq_bldg_dmg_result.csv") - 
#       it should be in your browser if you ran session 4 notebook (dataset inventory IN-CORE type: "ergo:buildingDamageVer5")
# TODO: acquire DataFrame object from the dataset

# Answer: 
# A CSV file with guid, limit states and damage states is one of two resulting files of Infrastructure Damage Analyses 
# (building, pipeline etc.). The second, json file contains fragility ids, hazard values and other metadata 
# Locate CSV file in Jupyter browser directory

# Retrieve result dataset. If there is no csv file you need to run Building Damage Analyses from session 4 notebook.
bldgs = Dataset.from_file("memphis_eq_bldg_dmg_result.csv", data_type="ergo:buildingDamageVer5")

# Convert dataset to Pandas DataFrame
bldgs_df = bldgs.get_dataframe_from_csv()


# show first five rows only
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
guid LS_0 LS_1 LS_2 DS_0 DS_1 DS_2 DS_3
0 ac8b0b44-ae82-4c48-afb8-076e2d16c7e5 0.848149 0.327322 2.722964e-02 0.151851 0.520827 0.300092 2.722964e-02
1 154b0a62-cae6-456d-8d90-635e3e1c2dcb 0.844343 0.328299 2.860543e-02 0.155657 0.516043 0.299694 2.860543e-02
2 9f9b11f8-c25c-4760-b1d2-a63bbeec8e72 0.896774 0.480925 8.756720e-02 0.103226 0.415849 0.393358 8.756720e-02
3 28321416-e473-473b-ad0a-c3c38248acc7 0.828098 0.293753 2.738378e-02 0.171902 0.534345 0.266369 2.738378e-02
4 b5069250-7a2b-47b1-9754-290528a6d72d 0.970343 0.154677 1.000000e-10 0.029657 0.815666 0.154677 1.000000e-10
# Exercise 3: 
# TODO: Join/merge building inventory GeoDataframe and damage output Dataframe using results of Excercise 1 and 2.

# Answer: 
# We now have two objects, Geopanda's GeoDataFrame with buildings attributes and coordinates 
# and Panda's DataFrame with  Damage states. Both objects have GUID referencing buildings.

# Merge/join two dataframe using GUID. We can also specify first three columns, guid, struct_typ and geometry, 
# and their order.
bldgs_joined_gdf = bldgs_gdf[['guid', 'struct_typ', 'geometry', 'appr_bldg']].merge(bldgs_df, on='guid')
guid struct_typ geometry appr_bldg LS_0 LS_1 LS_2 DS_0 DS_1 DS_2 DS_3
0 ac8b0b44-ae82-4c48-afb8-076e2d16c7e5 C1 POINT (-90.02585 35.14020) 163315 0.848149 0.327322 2.722964e-02 0.151851 0.520827 0.300092 2.722964e-02
1 154b0a62-cae6-456d-8d90-635e3e1c2dcb C1 POINT (-90.02585 35.14020) 524485 0.844343 0.328299 2.860543e-02 0.155657 0.516043 0.299694 2.860543e-02
2 9f9b11f8-c25c-4760-b1d2-a63bbeec8e72 S1 POINT (-90.01928 35.13640) 49457042 0.896774 0.480925 8.756720e-02 0.103226 0.415849 0.393358 8.756720e-02
3 28321416-e473-473b-ad0a-c3c38248acc7 URM POINT (-90.07377 35.12344) 367311 0.828098 0.293753 2.738378e-02 0.171902 0.534345 0.266369 2.738378e-02
4 b5069250-7a2b-47b1-9754-290528a6d72d S1 POINT (-90.04349 35.15360) 1027399 0.970343 0.154677 1.000000e-10 0.029657 0.815666 0.154677 1.000000e-10
# Exercise 4: 
# TODO: Using joined GeoDataFrame, display the table grouped by "struct_type" and show a sum of apprasial 
#       value of buildings "appr_bldg" 

# Answer: 
# We have a joined object, GeoDataFrame bldgs_joined_gdf with all attributes (columns). We can show only guid
# and struct_type and appr_bldg columns. Dont forget to keep geometry column or new dataframe 
# will not be georeferenced

bldgs_new = bldgs_joined_gdf[['guid', 'geometry', 'struct_typ', 'appr_bldg']]
guid geometry struct_typ appr_bldg
0 ac8b0b44-ae82-4c48-afb8-076e2d16c7e5 POINT (-90.02585 35.14020) C1 163315
1 154b0a62-cae6-456d-8d90-635e3e1c2dcb POINT (-90.02585 35.14020) C1 524485
2 9f9b11f8-c25c-4760-b1d2-a63bbeec8e72 POINT (-90.01928 35.13640) S1 49457042
3 28321416-e473-473b-ad0a-c3c38248acc7 POINT (-90.07377 35.12344) URM 367311
4 b5069250-7a2b-47b1-9754-290528a6d72d POINT (-90.04349 35.15360) S1 1027399
# Exercise 4 cont.:

# Run stastics on a column.
# Sum of all rows = 270,160,346
total = bldgs_new["appr_bldg"].sum()
# Exercise 4 cont.:

# Run stastics on a column (first five rows).
# Sum of 5 rows = 51,539,552 with mean value of 10,307,910
count    5.000000e+00
mean     1.030791e+07
std      2.188736e+07
min      1.633150e+05
25%      3.673110e+05
50%      5.244850e+05
75%      1.027399e+06
max      4.945704e+07
Name: appr_bldg, dtype: float64
# Exercise 5: 
# TODO: Using joined GeoDataFrame, plot a pie chart of (DS_0, DS_1, DS_2, DS_3) with a building with highest 
#       value of DS_3

# Answer: 
# We have a joined object, GeoDataFrame bldgs_joined_gdf with all attributes (columns). We can create a new one
# only with guid and damage states probability values.
df_ds = bldgs_joined_gdf[['guid', 'DS_0', 'DS_1', 'DS_2', 'DS_3']]
guid DS_0 DS_1 DS_2 DS_3
0 ac8b0b44-ae82-4c48-afb8-076e2d16c7e5 0.151851 0.520827 0.300092 2.722964e-02
1 154b0a62-cae6-456d-8d90-635e3e1c2dcb 0.155657 0.516043 0.299694 2.860543e-02
2 9f9b11f8-c25c-4760-b1d2-a63bbeec8e72 0.103226 0.415849 0.393358 8.756720e-02
3 28321416-e473-473b-ad0a-c3c38248acc7 0.171902 0.534345 0.266369 2.738378e-02
4 b5069250-7a2b-47b1-9754-290528a6d72d 0.029657 0.815666 0.154677 1.000000e-10
# Exercise 5 cont: 
# Return the entire row with max value of DS_3 column
df = df_ds[df_ds['DS_3']==df_ds['DS_3'].max()]
guid DS_0 DS_1 DS_2 DS_3
14 6dd342ef-498c-43a9-85cd-35ad76e4c279 0.143819 0.409244 0.352468 0.094468
# Exercise 5 cont: 

# We use Panda's plot method for pie chart visualization of our four DS probabilities.
# First, the dataframe must be transposed to get rows of DS
df_pie = df[['DS_0', 'DS_1', 'DS_2', 'DS_3']].transpose()
# Rename the column for proper legend
df_pie.columns = ['probability']
DS_0 0.143819
DS_1 0.409244
DS_2 0.352468
DS_3 0.094468
# Exercise 5 cont: 

# Create pie chart
plot = df_pie.plot.pie(subplots=True, figsize=(5, 5))
# Exercise 6: 
# TODO: Using joined GeoDataFrame, display a table of buidings with DS_3 >= 0.05 and sorted by DS_3

# Answer: 
# We have our joined object, GeoDataFrame bldgs_joined_gdf with all attributes (columns). We can create 
# a new one only with guid and damage states probability values:
# df_ds = bldgs_joined_gdf[['guid', 'DS_0', 'DS_1', 'DS_2', 'DS_3']]
# or re-use df_ds object from Exercise 5

df_ds3 = df_ds[df_ds['DS_3']>=0.05]
guid DS_0 DS_1 DS_2 DS_3
6 11395729-3727-449d-9848-778d68edd7d8 0.076171 0.432794 0.420815 0.070220
11 d7603d04-6917-478c-8bb7-50cf9118f973 0.119953 0.434135 0.371550 0.074362
2 9f9b11f8-c25c-4760-b1d2-a63bbeec8e72 0.103226 0.415849 0.393358 0.087567
14 6dd342ef-498c-43a9-85cd-35ad76e4c279 0.143819 0.409244 0.352468 0.094468
# Exercise 7: 
# TODO: Using joined GeoDataFrame, plot a map of buidings with DS_3 >= 0.05 and sorted by DS_3

# Answer: 
# We have sorted object, df_ds3 from Exercise 6 however we removed the geometry. We need to go back and use 
# georeferenced object bldgs_joined_gdf with guid, geometry and DS_3.

bldgs_ds3 = bldgs_joined_gdf[['guid', 'geometry', 'DS_3']]
guid geometry DS_3
0 ac8b0b44-ae82-4c48-afb8-076e2d16c7e5 POINT (-90.02585 35.14020) 2.722964e-02
1 154b0a62-cae6-456d-8d90-635e3e1c2dcb POINT (-90.02585 35.14020) 2.860543e-02
2 9f9b11f8-c25c-4760-b1d2-a63bbeec8e72 POINT (-90.01928 35.13640) 8.756720e-02
3 28321416-e473-473b-ad0a-c3c38248acc7 POINT (-90.07377 35.12344) 2.738378e-02
4 b5069250-7a2b-47b1-9754-290528a6d72d POINT (-90.04349 35.15360) 1.000000e-10
# Exercise 7 cont: 

# We filter buildings by DS_3 value and sort them:
ds3 = bldgs_ds3[bldgs_ds3['DS_3']>=0.05]
ds3_sorted = ds3.sort_values(by=['DS_3'])
guid geometry DS_3
6 11395729-3727-449d-9848-778d68edd7d8 POINT (-90.04349 35.15360) 0.070220
11 d7603d04-6917-478c-8bb7-50cf9118f973 POINT (-89.86438 35.09755) 0.074362
2 9f9b11f8-c25c-4760-b1d2-a63bbeec8e72 POINT (-90.01928 35.13640) 0.087567
14 6dd342ef-498c-43a9-85cd-35ad76e4c279 POINT (-89.77456 35.20624) 0.094468
# Exercise 7 cont: 

# Plot a map of ds3_sorted GeoPandasDataset with pyincore_viz
geoviz.plot_gdf_map(ds3_sorted, 'DS_3', basemap=True)