pyIncore viz#

Visualization package associated with pyIncore is called pyIncore-viz. It contains advanced Python packages and methods required for visualizing and disseminating the IN-CORE results, mainly via Jupyter Notebooks. A library called Matplotlib for creating static visualizations in Python is already part of pyIncore (as a dependency). We decided however to keep more interactive visualization in a separate package. An example would be for example geo-referenced mapping with ipyleaflet.


  1. Geospatial visualization such as tornado path or earthquake raster data, vector data (shapfile) and network data.

  2. Data visualization, graphs of data such as statistical curves including pre-processing.

  3. Creates map window from inventory of multiple csv files stored in a folder (in progress).


  • pyIncore: A user must have pyIncore package installed. See pyIncore section for details.

  • Virtual environment: We recommend that users work with virtual environment managers called Anaconda or Miniconda.

  • Mac OS specific notes: There is a Mac specific matplotlib installation issue addressed at StackOverflow link 1 and link 2. In a nutshell, insert line:

        backend : Agg

    into ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc file. You must create the file (matplotlibrc) if it does not exist.


  1. To install pyIncore-viz, navigate to the directory you want to use for running Jupyter Notebooks and run the following command:

    conda install -c in-core pyincore-viz

    If you have trouble installing pyincore-viz or it is taking a long time to resolve the dependencies, try using the libmamba solver by running the following command:

    conda install -c in-core pyincore-viz --solver=libmamba

    If the installed pyincore-viz version is not the latest or lower than the desired one, specify the version number in installation command.

    conda install -c in-core pyincore-viz=1.5.0 (or your version of choice)

    Version information for pyincore-viz can be found in


    For update replace install with update.

  2. To check that the package is installed run

    conda list

    It will again list all packages currently installed. You can check if pyincore and pyincore-viz exist in the list.


Jupyter notebook showing a visualization of shape files and other geographic information. Web Map Service (WMS) layer generated by Geoserver is also used for mapping an infrastructure. The shapefile format is a geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software developed by Esri for interoperability among GIS software products. WMS is protocol for geo-referenced images developed by the OG Consortium.
