Create Network Dataset#
How to create network Dataset. Add some description here
import ast, os
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
from pyincore import IncoreClient, DataService, Dataset, NetworkDataset, NetworkUtil
client = IncoreClient()
datasvc = DataService(client)
Create Graph file in CSV using local Link shapefile#
# get link dataset from data service
centerville_epn_link = '5b1fdc2db1cf3e336d7cecc9'
node_dataset = Dataset.from_data_service(centerville_epn_link, DataService(client))
df = node_dataset.get_dataframe_from_shapefile()
# get the field name from the node dataset dataframe
id_fldname = 'linknwid'
fromnode_fldname = 'fromnode'
tonode_fldname = 'tonode'
# save extracted fromnode, tonode information as a graph file
file_name = "network_graph.csv"
df1 = df[[id_fldname, fromnode_fldname, tonode_fldname]]
df1.to_csv(file_name, encoding='utf-8', index=False, header=['linkid', 'fromnode', 'tonode'])
print(file_name, "successfully created.")
raise Exception("creating graph file failed.")
Create NetworkX Graph using Link dataset in the code instead of reading the graph file#
# get node dataset from data service
centerville_epn_link = '5b1fdc2db1cf3e336d7cecc9'
fromnode_fldname = 'fromnode'
tonode_fldname = 'tonode'
link_dataset = Dataset.from_data_service(centerville_epn_link, DataService(client)).get_inventory_reader()
link_filepath = os.path.join(link_dataset.path, + ".shp")
# the actual graph function in pyincore to directly create graph from the dataset and use
# instead of reading it from the graph file
g, node_coords = NetworkUtil.create_network_graph_from_link(link_filepath, fromnode_fldname, tonode_fldname, is_directed=True)
nx.draw(g, node_coords)
Create Link shapefile from Node and Graph dataset#
# this process can be done using the local shapefile,
# instead of using the dataset from the incore data service.
# simply, provide the node_filename and graph_filename that are the file paths
# get node dataset from data service
centerville_epn_node = '5b1fdb50b1cf3e336d7cecb1'
node_dataset = Dataset.from_data_service(centerville_epn_node, DataService(client)).get_inventory_reader()
node_filename = os.path.join(node_dataset.path, + ".shp")
# get graph dataset from data serivce
centerville_epn_network_graph = '6215681e45bb42602207cdb8'
graph_dataset = Dataset.from_data_service(centerville_epn_network_graph, DataService(client))
graph_filename = graph_dataset.get_file_path()
# create output link shapefile
id_field = 'nodenwid'
out_filename = 'network_links.shp'
NetworkUtil.build_link_by_node(node_filename, graph_filename, id_field, out_filename)
Create Node shapefile and Graph file from Link dataset#
# this process can be done using the local shapefile,
# instead of using the dataset from the incore data service.
# simply, provide the node_filename and graph_filename that are the file paths
# get link dataset from data service
centerville_epn_link = '5b1fdc2db1cf3e336d7cecc9'
link_dataset = Dataset.from_data_service(centerville_epn_link, DataService(client)).get_inventory_reader()
link_filename = os.path.join(link_dataset.path, + ".shp")
# set input field names
link_id_field = 'linknwid'
fromnode_field = 'fromnode'
tonode_field = 'tonode'
# set output file names
out_node_filename = 'network_nodes.shp'
out_graph_filename = 'network_graph.csv'
# create output link shapefile and graph file
NetworkUtil.build_node_by_link(link_filename, link_id_field, fromnode_field, tonode_field, out_node_filename, out_graph_filename)
Upload/Create Network Datasets to Data Services#
This example shows how to create network dataset by uploading a link shapefile and a node shapefile
meta data is json text descrbing the network dataset component
node file is a shapefile that contains node information of the network.
link file is a shapefile that contains the link information. This should include fromnode and tonode information.
graph file is a csv file that contains the network relationship between the link and node.
dataset_prop = {
"title": "Test epn network",
"dataType": "incore:epnNetwork",
"format": "shp-network",
"networkDataset": {
"link": {
"dataType": "ergo:powerLineTopo",
"fileName": "epn_links.shp"
"node": {
"dataType": "incore:epf",
"fileName": "epn_nodes.shp"
"graph": {
"dataType": "incore:networkGraph",
"fileName": "network_graph.csv"
response = datasvc.create_dataset(dataset_prop)
if 'id' not in response:
print("Failed to create a dataset in the data service")
dataset_id = response['id']
print('network dataset is created with id ' + dataset_id)
print('attching files to created dataset')
file_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'files')
files = ['epn_links.shp',
linkname = dataset_prop["networkDataset"]["link"]["fileName"]
nodename = dataset_prop["networkDataset"]["node"]["fileName"]
graphname = dataset_prop["networkDataset"]["graph"]["fileName"]
response = datasvc.add_files_to_network_dataset(dataset_id, files, nodename, linkname, graphname)
dataset = Dataset.from_data_service(response["id"], data_service=datasvc)